This week has not finished yet, so perhaps the title is not the most appropriate considering that we might go camping to the Lakes during the weekend, but let's leave it like that for now.
By far the best thing that happened to me this week was the cinema night on Monday. The Dukes, local independent cinema was showing the award winning film March of the Penguins. No one was at home and the message that I sent to one of my friends who notoriously ignores messages was (surprisingly!) not replied, so I went on my own. In fact I don't mind going on my own at all, although, it would be great to have someone who would wipe my tears in case of emergency.
The cinema was almost empty, I guess they must have been showing King Kong somewhere else! I have heard several people wondering, how on earth could a documentary be worth a prize? Well, this one certainly is. It is a story about emperor penguins in a distant and cold Antarctica, narrated by Morgan Freeman. These tuxedo-clad cutes undertake an exhaustive journey in order to find love and found a family. It is beautifully shot and makes you apply for a job with British Antarctic Survey straightaway. I do not want to give you, my dedicated readers, too many details and spoil the broth. Go and find out yourselves:) It is a must see movie!
Prečo nenapíšeš niečo aj po Slovensky??!!
Zasa ja,
aj ja som videla pochod tucniakov.. Dobry film, bolo mi vzdy luto tych tucniakov, ktorym sa rozbilo vajicko a tym aj ich "manzelstvo"..
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