Thursday, January 19, 2006

ThE MosT TeDiOuS TeDiOuSnEsS :(

.......PLEASE HELP!!!!........
So is my little self in its entirety shouting from the top of its lungs. These days have found me doing the most tedious job ever - filling in the application forms. (Or can you be imaginative and think of something more boring?) Well, the beginning of the New Year was really prolific in terms of a number of jobs advertised on environmental web sites, papers, etc. No doubt about that. Only how on earth is one supposed to remain sane enough to deal with them all?! I desperately need a job, and I got to the stage when whatever kind of job will do, but still I am trying hardest in the area covering my degree subject. Seasonal Ranger, Ecologist, Countryside Warden, Information Officer, Education Officer, Conservation Officer, you name it, I have it. How about this-how would you like to have a job with a job title:Aren't Birds Brilliant Officer? A little bit of a tongue-twister for me, but I would give it a go! For sure.
Looks like there are plenty of jobs out there, but somehow, there's always someone more experienced, more suitable, more more more than me!
Still, I know that I am not the only person not having a job yet out of all people from our course, but they are getting there, one by one and god knows when is my turn going to be...
If you don't have experience, we won't give you a job, that's the rule. I was secretly hoping, that my one year's worth of Sunday work with Conservation Volunteers at Lancaster Uni will count, but it does not seem to be like that at all.
I've just had a look at my perfectly chronologically (by deadlines) organised folder with application forms; there are more than thirty application forms for jobs that I would more-less (some of them more less, than more) like to do and for which I have to apply in the course of next month. I do not know whether it is just me being so reluctant to actually sit down and do it; it is just that thought somewhere at the back of my mind, that however hard I try, it is just a waste of time...
I know that it is not time to give up yet, I have never expected it to be easy, but neither have I expected it to be that difficult and frustrating.
Anyway, stop moaning now, silly girl, life is tough, you should have found by now! Time to do some more application forms..................As A rEcEnT GrAdUaTe....... oF LaNcAsTeR UnIvErSiTy I ..........CoNsIdEr MySeLf.........A SuItAbLe CaNdIdAtE...................and so on and so forth...............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nemáš to ľahké, ale nevzdávaj sa dievča !!!